Visiting the Sick

Sick people suffer because of physical ailments, mental and spiritual ailments. Most of the time either they are isolated or seclude themselves from society. Their burden is so heavy that they need someone to share their mind and seek solace from the other. It is a noble service as we visit them. Especially here we promote such a ministry in groups with the help of the Legion of Mary, Parish councilors and the well-wishers. Further, their spiritual needs are met by the parish priest by hearing their confession, anointing of them, and distributing communion to them. At least, once a year we make it a point to go to different hospitals, especially the Government Hospitals, where everyone is poor, and distribute the fruits and foods. Lenten campaign money is so used in this way. During Christmas times, we used to go house by house to distribute cakes to the sick and at times blankets or bed sheets. We are pleased to see God in their smiles. When needed the sick are anointed by the priest and prayer is said!(Jam. 5,14-15)