
The Year of St. Joseph 2020-2021 is the year of blessing to all the Devotees of St. Joseph. As the Parish named after him it is the double benefit of the faithful here at Kathampallam. We have an opportunity to meet him often and pray to him in silence and a peaceful atmosphere.

In John 4:39, a woman has an encounter with Jesus. She is convinced that he is the Lord and goes to her city to tell others about him. The result: “many Samaritans of that town believed in him because of the words of the woman who testified.” This is just one example in scripture of the personal testimony of a woman who encountered Jesus as Messiah.

Similarly, we too are very much touched and taken up that our testimony is powerful because it is an event about moving from death to life. Our personal testimony is a way of our salvation experience. It is an example of how God changes lives. It is one of the most effective and unforgettable experience in the lives of the faithful here and around the world.

Acts 22:6-16. Paul expresses that Jesus is Lord.

“I do not remember even now that I have ever asked anything of [St. Joseph] which he has failed to grant… To other saints, the Lord seems to have given the grace to succour us in some of our necessities, but of this glorious saint my experience is that he succours us in them all” (St. Teresa of Avila)

We have experienced St. Joseph’s power through praying his Rosary.

Herewith I share a few testimonies which are shared by the faithful in and around the District.

Mr Kulandai Samy, Kandikuppam

Growing up in Christian culture, my family and I used to go to church but I never liked going. I decided that I didn’t want anything to do with God. My entire life is changed when I faithfully prayed the Rosary of St. Joseph.

I was married to my relative girl and lead a happy life for almost three years. We have never felt the need for a child at the time. When the neighbour ridiculed that life without a child is not the house like heaven we have not felt at ease by their words. We started worrying a lot and several times embarrassed in front of others when we take part in any function. Many of them suggested meeting the Doctor. We have done that too but no good result. (We have spent lakhs)

As the years pass by after 9 years, we became desperate and I told my mother about the situation. We had a tough time asking for God’s help because I knew that I had offended Him with my lifestyle.

She told me to pray to St. Joseph especially the Rosary which was received from Kathampallam Parish Priest. She told me that only God could help out in this catastrophe.

One fine Morning at 9th year of Wedding Day Anniversary, I heard the good news from my wife that God has gifted us a child. Then I realized it has happened because of Praying Rosary to St. Joseph. I ask St. Joseph to bring peace to both of us. Thanked St Joseph, for listening and advocating God on behalf and me and my family. Now we have a cute boy and we named him Jose. Now we are the happiest couple and God made our family a Holy family.

Mr. Kennedy, Hosur

I have been much stressed for the past few years and hopeless for couldn’t get a job. There were many attempts made for the job for almost five years. I was praying but now I have decided to leave everything in God’s hands my only hope is God.

Once I received a hand-out from Kathampallam Parish. I found the beautiful Rosary of St. Joseph with the mysteries which comprise the life of St. Joseph.I started St Joseph Novena for 30-days prayer; then I have called for an interview. I focused on the successful completion of the interview process for a highly coveted position. Almost a month and a half later I’ve started this new job and couldn’t have done it without St. Joseph‘s blessing of my request. As I have been blessed with this job, I pray to St . Joseph continues to advocate on behalf of my success in this new role.

Similarly, St. Joseph helped with the multiple issues I laid at his feet. I thank him throughout my life for hearing my plea.

Mr. Sahayam, Kathampallam

I was raised in a small community in Kathampallam. I have a beautiful family which is comprised of three smart girls children and a responsible wife. From a young age itself, I started my profession in agriculture. Particularly, rearing the cattle and cultivation.

Once, the cow fell sick during this pandemic however I happened to witness it in next morning. The condition is so critical and there are fewer opportunities to call the Veterinary Doctor home. So I was in dilemma whether to sell the cow or by all means to bring the Doctor to give treatment for it.

As we have the custom to pray the family prayer with Rosary of Blessed Virgin and we added the Rosary of St. Joseph in our prayers as one family shed tears and interceded for the recovery of the cow to come back to its normal health. As usual, soon after the Prayer, I went to fetch hay for the cow and I found it quite normal. I was uncontrolled to express my happiness. Really an unthinkable wonder has taken place soon after prayer Rosary.

Once arriving at the church, I thanked St. Joseph for his uncountable blessings and graces on my family as the reward for our ardent faith. One Sunday morning I was sharing this experience with my colleague they too were taken up by the miracle. Even though I had been raised in a Christian home and had been in church all of my life. For the first time in my life, I realized that a miracle has happened in my life.