The Holy Mysteries of St. Joseph

Joseph was betrothed to Mary (Mt. 1,18)

Being a young maid, Mary should have better dreams about life. She expected many joyous moments in the married life. The plan of God was something different. She got betrothed to Joseph. He was a man of God. God had a salvific plan for the whole human race. Joseph might not know the sacrifices to do in the course of life yet he believed in the providence of God. This is a call for total sacrificial living and sincere self-giving.

Annunciation to Joseph by the Angel of the Lord (Mt. 1,20)

Joseph was about to marry Mary. A lot of preparation was on as per their culture and It was not easy to say “YES” to the plan of God. Of course, he said, “Amen” decisively.

Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem with Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk. 2,4)

Joseph struggled for his daily bread. For census purposes, they had to go to their ancestral hometown, Bethlehem. Mary was expecting soon a child. They had started from Nazareth. The journey was long and hard. They completely depended on the providence of God throughout their journey. Every moment was crucial to save the mother and the unborn babe. Joseph knocked on every door possible. The people did not give place in the inn or anywhere. Yet God was there to provide them.

Nativity of the Lord in the presence of Joseph (Lk. 2,7)

Found a place in a stable, the Holy couple was set for the most significant event ie., the birth of Jesus. Counting all the incidents in a row, Joseph could slowly discover the mysterious plan of God for him and for humanity. The babe was on a manger. God was in the form of a weak human child. The heaven came down to the earth. Mary wrapped it in swaddling clothes. The Creator’s only Son who clothes the lilies with beautiful fragrance and the softest fabric had no good clothes to get him wrapped!

Visitation of the Shepherds to the Holy family (Lk. 2,16)

The Angel announced the good news to the shepherds. They were ordinary poor people. Their trust was in the Lord. They longed for God’s promise and it was fulfilled. The Redeemer was given to them. God identified himself with the powerless and unprivileged. The angels all sang glory to God and proclaimed peace on the earth. With shepherds, the angels prayed as a community! The Priests, teachers, and the rich were denied the opportunity to visit the Redeemer. The sincere seekers would receive His blessings.

Naming of Jesus by Joseph ( Lk. 2, 21)

A name connotes the special vocation of a child. Joseph and Mary dedicated the child to God. Simeon’s curiosity and the promise by the Holy Spirit to him were astonishing! The parents were amazed at the words of Simeon. He believed that the faithful and the obedient would be blessed! The newborn was named as “Jesus”. By naming him, he established a very strong relationship with Jesus. He owned Jesus as his. Joseph imitated the heart of God, the Father. Joseph, the foster father, would mold Jesus to take up the mission of God, the Father!

Visit of the Magi to the Holy family (Mt. 2,11)

Strange things appeared in the heavens. An unusual star was observed. St. Joseph was very much anxious about the star and its followers. The magi were the seekers of Truth and the true King. The Magi found that the Savior was at the stable. God is in ordinary situations. Joseph learned that God is always with the poor and the humble. The gifts are once again to denote something beyond the given environment.

Flight of Holy family into Egypt (Mt. 2,14)

Power and politics are corrupted to the core. For the want of power, it would be ready to devour the righteous and infants. Joseph wanted to save the child from Herod’s dagger. No matter whatever the difficulty he would face on the way and in the foreign land. Trusting in God’s creative providence, he started his journey. Reaching Egypt, he worked very hard to feed his family. He saw every incident as an opportunity to rely on God and to love his family more than ever.

Returning of Holy Family to Nazareth and hidden life (Mt.2,23)

God’s plans are always inexplicable. St. Joseph got settled with his family well in Egypt. But God wanted him to get back to Nazareth. He obeyed to God as Abraham did. His faith was tested against comfort and convenience yet he obeyed. He taught Jesus to trust God. With his hard work and exemplary life, he molded Jesus into a completely integrated person. He taught holy scriptures and helped him to acquire obedience, wisdom, and knowledge. It was the most beautiful family where mutual love, faith, and responsibility prevailed.

Finding of Jesus at the Jerusalem temple (Lk. 2,45)

Every Jew should visit the Temple at Jerusalem annually. Joseph led Jesus and Mary to Jerusalem Temple every year. His heart was burning for the temple of the Lord. Jesus was keen to learn. Boy Jesus used to discuss Sacred Scripture. As they went to the Jerusalem temple, Jesus stayed at the temple. They searched for him among the relatives. When approached, Jesus asked the parents why they searched for him in vain. He knew that it was the greatest blessing to stay at the temple. Joseph was happy to see that his son was brought up with the right preferences!