Children’s Tour

Children's Tour

Every child is a gift of God. As the Son of God enjoyed love from the Father in heaven, every child is privileged to enjoy God’s providence and care. The parents, priests, and religion have to ensure the security of the children and make this world beautiful for them. Hence, we have always resolved to create a better and secure atmosphere and give them. The Diocesan Administration under the wise guidance of the Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Lawrence Pius DD., Ph.D., takes serious measures against defaulters who spoil the children. He has already promulgated an ordinance that goes to the extent of suspending a clergy or religious who spoil the children.

To make our children grow in faith, we teach catechism to the children. To do it a joyful moment to come together, we provide opportunities to play indoor and outdoor games. They are taken for an excursion and tour to different places. As they go together they interact with one another, share their eatables, belongings, etc. they chat, encourage, and laugh. It is heaven in miniature. Perhaps, it was understood by Jesus in his ministry here in Judea and he always welcomed them and blessed them.