Basic Christian Communities

The most rewarding experience (of being in a BCC) is the wonderful, long-term relationships that our BCC has formed. We all share strong faith, we pray together, we struggle with each other, and we are committed to each other.” – Melinda Brown

A Basic Christian Community (BCC) is a small group of people, usually about 8 to 20, who share Christian values. They meet on a regular basis to faith-share, support, socialize, or provide services to the parish or needy. A BCC is what each group decides it should be for them. It can be social, educational, service-oriented, or a combination of the three. The key is to involve prayer and spirituality since this is unique to a Christian group.

Ministry Description

Since the very beginning of Christianity, small communities of Christians would gather together in their mission to follow Christ. They prayed together, broke bread together, and built God’s Kingdom on earth together. The community of believers was of one heart and one mind (Acts 2:42, 44, 46). In 1998 Pope John Paul II recommended small Christian communities as a way to reestablish human relationships in church communities.

Parishioners are invited to form their own BCC groups. Each group can decide their own dates/times/location of meetings, or the manner in which they would like to work and grow in their faith lives.

In our Parish

There are six units in our parish. They are named after the saints viz., St. Mathew, St. Luke, St. Mark, St. Joseph, St. Joseph, and St. Pio. The members get together every Sunday evening in one of their houses of the BCC and they read the Dei Verbum (Word of God) and share their personal reflections. The parish priest also participates in their meetings and explains the word of God with its background and the significance of the same today. Nuns from FSAG also help the people to read the text and organize the people to get together and pray. After the final prayer, the family members who host the meeting would serve snacks and make it remembered forever.