Educational Helps


The mission of the Holy Catholic Church envisages the educational mission as the most significant one. It has got a wide and long history in establishing colleges, schools and Nursery schools all over the world. Because with education one becomes truly a human being. His reason is given the necessary training to acquire knowledge, verify truths, carry out required experimentation and therefore attain wisdom.

There two kinds of help rendered. The first one is to impart education by establishing educational institutions and the second is to help the students to pursue their studies in different educational institutions.

However, the Sisters of Aloysius Gonzaga established Gonzaga College of Arts and Science for Women in our parish about ten years ago. The institution provides good values with the education and therefore emancipates the women from the clutches of slavery, ignorance, illiteracy, female infanticide, and so on. They make the young girls employable and self-motivated, courageous and independent, responsible and wise, etc...

The same congregation also established Gonzaga Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Kathampallam in the year 2009. It is a private catholic school meant for educating the children to read, write, articulate and acquire knowledge in English. The students study in these prestigious institutions irrespective of caste, color, religion, etc.

Another way to help the children is to study in different institutions. And for such children, if we are not able to supply monetary help for they will not be able to manage themselves. In such situations, with the consent of the Finance Council, Parish priest offers educational help in the form of scholarship, study materials, etc. there are some children who would not be able to afford to pay their tuition fee and them too, the parish community and the philanthropists come forward to help.