Social Activities

Help to the Poor Widows and Widowers

As an expression of it, social responsibility the gives priority to the vulnerable section of the society. To share our joy with the less fortunate, we have distributed free saris and dhotis to the widows and widowers living in and around Kathampallam this year. Rs. 3, 50,000/- (Rupees three lakh and fifty thousand only) was spent for this purpose.

Flood Relief Fund

St. Joseph’s Church has generously contributed to the people of and who were affected by heavy rain and flood was sent for relief work along with saris and dhotis.

Free Meals

The free meal plan is indeed a big service to the parishioners. The free meal is given every 1st Wednesdays of each month. The donation is welcomed by the parishioners. The people too are very generous to share the meals with everyone. In case of a shortage of finance to provide meals, the parish will help them to continue their service of sharing meals with the people.

Spiritual Activities

To get reconciled with GOD and people, a priest is available for hearing CONFESSION half an hour before every Mass at any time on request.

Priest is available during the day to bless the people at special occasion.

Devotees are welcome to pray at any time every day from morning 9.AM to 7.30 P M.

Every first Wednesday and Friday evening, there is the usual procession of St. Joseph followed by Novena Mass. Mass is followed by recitation of evening prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed.