Rosary Campaign


Over the centuries, many Catholics of all walks of life have underscored the familial nature of praying the rosary. The rosary is simple, short, and repetitive prayers of the rosary make it a perfect devotion for families. It can be prayed by anyone, and anywhere. The prayers are easily memorized and recited, and even the smallest children can be encouraged to lead a decade.

In our parish, the parish priest along with nuns, members of the Legion of Mary, and the volunteers go from one to the other praying rosaries. the family members extend the invitation beforehand and they are present in the house. in the midst of the burning candles, the Mother Mary's statue is placed and the whole group gathers and prays the Holy Rosary. very specially in the month of October, a month dedicated to the Holy Rosary is prayed in almost all the homes.

Why pray Rosary?

Mother Mary is the Co-mediatrix to fight out the evil satanic forces

  • We have a powerful advocate, one that Satan fears above all others: Mary.
  • When Mary was assumed into Heaven and crowned by her son. She became Queen of not just Heaven and Earth, but also of Hell.
  • She has dominion over Satan and he flees when she stands beside her faithful servants.
  • And so, in moments of temptation, when you feel weak before those old sins, cling to the Rosary. Pray for Mary to be with you and she will protect you from the lies of Satan.

We NEED the Rosary to slow down and find calm

  • Feeling burnt out, worn out, and stretched too thin?
  • Then, my friend, you need your Rosary now more than ever.
  • Yes, our lives are busy and we rarely have a minute to spare.
  • Yet we manage to find time to scroll and post and stare at our glowing screens… Activities that often leave us feeling more lost and tired.
  • And so, put down the phone and shut off the television. Grab your Rosary and find TRUE rest in a few quiet moments with Our Blessed Mother.
  • She offers the blessing of true peace. Maybe you only have time to pray for one decade.
  • That is enough. She is there, willing to use that little bit of time and bless you because of it.

We NEED the Rosary to live a life connected to Jesus Christ

We know that Jesus lived here on Earth

  • But the world He lived in feels pretty removed from the world of technology and comfort and secularism that we live in.
  • It can be very difficult to feel connected to Jesus. Even in prayer, it takes time and focuses to feel Jesus’ real and enduring presence.
  • The Rosary provides that time and focus.
  • The 20 mysteries of the Rosary walk the faithful through the major events of Jesus’s life.
  • The simple and repeated prayers of the Rosary allow us to really focus on what Jesus did and said.
  • The Rosary provides us with a time and place to connect with Our Lord and Savior.
  • Beautiful art, reading scripture, and guided reflections Rosary can also help us meditate more deeply as we pray the Holy Rosary.
  • And so, take up your Rosary each and every day, and through this beautiful prayer, come to know and imitate Jesus more fully.

We NEED the Rosary to remain connected to the loving care of Our Mother Mary.

  • From the cross, Jesus gave us the profound gift of His Mother. In the Gospel of John it says, “When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple there whom He loved, he said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” Jn. 19: 26-27
  • Therefore, even now as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mary loves us, her children, and has a burning desire to bring us into a closer relationship with her Son.
  • Knowing that she loves us so much is a powerful gift, but how do we remain connected to this loving and wonderful mother?

The Rosary

  • As you cling to the beads of your Rosary, envision it as a chain reaching from your hand all the way to heaven.
  • Mary holds the other end and the Rosary serves as a bridge, a lifeline, between you and her. And she is there, on the other end of the Rosary, always.
  • And so, pick up those beads often and know that she is always there, on the other end, loving you with the entirety of her Immaculate Heart.

We NEED the Rosary to pray for others in a strong, dedicated way

  • How often have your promised to pray for someone…only to forget?
  • Or maybe you do remember to pray for them, but end up offering little more than a momentary mental prayer for the cause?
  • How often have you been confronted by people or situations that need real prayers, and you want to pray for them, but you feel like you have little to offer due to a lacking prayer life?
  • The Rosary, once again, is the answer to these problems.
  • When you set aside time for a daily Rosary, you create for yourself a real opportunity to help those in need of prayers and a dedicated habit of offering those prayers.
  • And so, pick up those beads each and every day and bring the needs of all you know and place them in the loving hands of Our Blessed Mother.

We NEED the Rosary to bring about world peace.

  • Mary directed the children at Fatima to pray the Rosary for World Peace.
  • She didn’t say just pray.
  • She said to pray the Rosary.
  • At the time Mary appeared in Fatima, World War I was raging, so the need for peace was very real.
  • But even without a World War, we still live in a world at war.
  • And we should still feel called to pray the Rosary for peace.
  • Whether it be for peace between world powers, peace in our families, peace in our communities and schools, peace in our relationships, or even peace within ourselves, the peace of God is something we must constantly ask for.
  • Since God saw it fitting to allow all grace to flow through the loving hands of Our Blessed Mother, she is the one we need to beg for this peace.
  • And so, do as Mary directed at Fatima and pray the Rosary for peace.

We NEED the Rosary to help us pray when we don’t know what to pray for, or how to ask for it

  • When we feel that dull ache of loneliness, despair, or anxiety it can be difficult to know what to even pray for.
  • What words could we possibly use?
  • We might feel embarrassed to approach God due to our sins and faithlessness.
  • We might be so deep in a self-created pit of emotions that we can’t even think straight.
  • For times like this, the Rosary is an especially powerful gift. Clutch the beads and say those familiar prayers that, for many of us, hearken back to our childhood, when our faith was natural and free from doubt.
  • Fall into the rhythm of those words and allow St. Elizabeth at the Visitation, and the archangel, Gabriel, at the Annunciation speak for you.
  • Allow the Rosary to calm your mind, your fears, and slow your heart.
  • Allow the Rosary to lead you back to Our Blessed Mother. She is waiting to take care of you as only a mother can.
  • And so, take up your beads and pray.

The Rosary is a perfect prayer, and your Blessed Mother will be pleased to hear you say it. Trust in her goodness and the power of her Holy Rosary.