Communion To The Sick

For My flesh is real food, and my blood is real drink

“Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.” (Jn. 6:55)

Communion to the sick is a regular exercise in the parish. To practice the pastoral responsibilities, the parish priest visits the sick or aged, even though not seriously ill or in danger of death, seriously bruised are given every opportunity to receive the Holy Eucharist frequently or once in a month on Tuesdays. He shares the Body of Christ with those members who were too ill to be present at a liturgical gathering. When the patient is unable to receive Holy Communion he makes to pray the prayer of Spiritual Communion with him/her. For the sick, the reception of communion is a sign of support and concern shown by the faithful of the Parish for the members who are sick.

When the Sick people who are unable to receive under the form of bread are allowed to receive under the form of sacred wine. If the sick wish to celebrate the sacrament of penance, the priest makes himself available round the clock.

Therefore, the practice of distributing communion to the sick, aged, confined to bed, and accidental patients or lamed were given opportunities to receive Christ through the Parish Priest which makes people pleased about the assistance and service rendered by him.