Introduction to the Holy Rosary of St.Joseph!

Dear Rev. Father/Sister/Brother/ Friend

Come, let us Pray St. Joseph’s Rosary with Pope Francis’ prayers!

Everyone is aware that Blessed Virgin Mary played a pivotal role in the life of Jesus. Her contribution is immense and we cannot imagine Jesus without Mother Mary. Somehow we have forgotten the role of St. Joseph, the “Soft Spoken Personality” but he spoke so loudly than anyone in the life of Jesus and the life the Holy Catholic Church. Though very few lines are about St.Joseph in the Bible, his contribution to the personality of Jesus was always immeasurable, incomprehensible and inexhaustible.

Pope Francis, an earnest devotee to St.Joseph, underscored the significant role played by the “Most Favorable Saint” in the life of Jesus and in the holy tradition of the Holy Catholic Church. He inculcated his remembrance of the Holy Name in the Eucharistic Prayers and further he exalted his most valuable “Protection” in the troubled times of Jesus and the Holy Church. His “Patris corde” is one such attempt to count the unparalleled contributions of St. Joseph.

Being fascinated by the most valuable standard of living of my most favourite St Joseph, I was looking for a wonderful prayer that could address “the Universal Patron” of the Holy Church to seek his intercession. As the prayers to St Joseph by Pope Francis satisfied my quest and zeal for him, we formulated a beautiful Rosary for St.Joseph comprising the Pope’s prayers.

This Holy Rosary of St.Joseph contains the Creed, Our Lord’s Prayer, Hail Marys, and two Prayers of Pope Francis. Collectively, it invites us to meditate upon the life instances of Joseph and the life of Jesus as well. True to its spirit every mystery is Scriptural and theological and of great relevance to the daily lives of the faithful. It contains 10 mysteries which makes the faithful get deeply rooted in the faith and enables all to live up to the will of God in day-to-day life as well.

The people who recited this Holy Rosary have already started to receive the spiritual and temporal benefits from St. Joseph, the Saint par excellence. Surely he too is a great leader as Mother Mary to reach God and to live and witness to the gospel values in our life. His intercessions are as powerful as his humility! Nobody went in vain as they sought his grace and guidance!

It is an emergency call from the noble Saint in the prevalent critical situations where selfishness, pleasure, and enmity are considered to be the norms of living. Our Saint teaches the counter-culture values viz., other-centeredness, sacrifice, act upon the will of God ahead, and so on. He absolutely practiced and he wants us to follow the same to glorify God. May God bless us and keep us always to fulfill his plan for people and the “Holy Church”!