Our Events

First Communion and Confirmation

There are 17 children of our parish going to receive the first communion and the confirmation on 6th October 2021. Being taught for more than two months the children are now ready to receive the Lord in the form of bread and wine and be filled with the Holy Sprit.

Blessing of the new Presbytery

Being quasi-parish, so far It has not constructed its own presbytery, it has been a long and most awaited dream for the people of Kathampallam to have their priest to stay and serve them better. The chief contributors were Pontfical Mission Rome, Fr Antonio, Poland and Parishioners.

Annual Feast of our Parish

The intercession of St Joseph guarded our people from deadly pandemic. It is a time for us to thank God for His creative care and the most powerful intercession of our Patron, St Joseph. All the families will march to the church holding lighted candles in their hands, so has to thank St Joseph for his encampassing care.

Life of St. Joseph

The chief sources of information on the life of St. Joseph are the first chapters of our first and third Gospels; they are practically also the only reliable sources, for, whilst, on the holy patriarch's life, as on many other points connected with the Saviour's history which are left untouched by the canonical writings, the apocryphal literature is full of details, the non-admittance of these works into the Canon of the Sacred Books casts a strong suspicion upon their contents; and, even granted that some of the facts recorded by them may be founded on trustworthy traditions, it is in most instances next to impossible to discern and sift these particles of true history from the fancies with which they are associated. Among these apocryphal productions dealing more or less extensively with some episodes of St. Joseph's life may be noted the so-called "Gospel of James", the "Pseudo-Matthew", the "Gospel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary", the "Story of Joseph the Carpenter", and the "Life of the Virgin and Death of Joseph".

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Our Parish Activities

Mass Timings

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Parish Newsletter

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Events Calendar

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Parish Contacts

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Death Notices

The easy way to share information about funeral arrangements, with your community.

The Word of God Today

Isaiah 41:10

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Romans 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

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Donate Now

"God blesses the cheerful giver!(cf. 2 Cor 9,7). Yes, certainly we need to contribute to the church, not just because it is demanded but to do charity and to celebrate the sacred liturgy. We have resolved to spend every penny for the cause for which it is donated. Jesus appreciated the contribution of the poor widow (Mk. 12, 41-44) for her two coins and her generosity! Perhaps, the multiplication of loaves definitely states the same story where small contributions from every quarter makes a big sum. In the same manner, the contribution from the parishioners and the donors are highly appreciated and valued and it is being spent for the noble purposes of faith and charity. Kindly show your generosity by your contributions!"

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